
How we make furniture that lasts

We believe that tangible change comes from the daily practises we commit to consistently.

We recognise that we have a footprint, and as a global company, we take full responsibility as we strive to reduce it. By looking at the entire picture and making intentional choices about how we power our factories, source materials, produce our product and deliver it, we can make a small dent in a huge problem. It doesn’t save the world, but it makes a difference and most importantly, is progress over perfection.

Solveig Gaundal, our Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility, shares the steps we are taking to help safeguard the health of our planet through long-lasting products. 


Sustainability is a word that is often tossed around but at Ekornes we believe its about being environmentally ethical, adhering to circular, sensitive practises that ultimately don’t leave the planet worse off.


When we create a piece of furniture we’re looking at the entire process; Timeless design, what materials we use, manufacturing and supply chain, as well as packaging and delivery. Then after production, the longevity of the product, its ability to be repaired and reused and eventually how it can be recycled or biodegrades at the end of its life cycle.



The most distinctive feature of iconic furniture throughout history, is timeless design. The ability to transcend trends, as well as being both desirable and durable. A huge part of our longevity mindset is to design pieces that will stand the test of time. We want our brand to grow slowly and intentionally, prioritising design, construction and comfort, so that our products can be treasured and passed on to future generations. We see many of our original recliner from 1971, with the metal base, on Vinterior, Ebay and on social accounts, which just goes to prove that iconic style will always hold its value in the world.


The most distinctive feature of iconic furniture throughout history, is timeless design.

We see many of our original recliner from 1971, with the metal base, on Vinterior, Ebay and on social accounts, which just goes to prove that iconic style will always hold its value in the world.
For every piece of furniture we make, we always prioritise quality, premium materials. From the finest leather to using the latest technological innovations, every element is considered and carefully selected. This commitment not only guarantees the functionality and longevity of our products, but how they can be reused and recycled further down the line, as well as contributing to its overall value and appeal. By reducing consumption, we are ultimately reducing waste, resulting in well built, good quality products that will last a lifetime and retain their value for years to come.


When thinking about the manufacturing process, it’s really about constantly working to reduce the impact the business creates, just by being in business. Some examples of this are minimising raw material usage as well as the water and energy we use. For example, the more complicated, internal closed loop system, allows us to clean the steel without releasing harmful toxins and the water based lacquers we choose hold a similar benefit. We’ve also implemented waste reduction targets, which focus on reusing materials in addition to recycling. Excess foam, for instance, is cut down, remoulded, to be used in armrests and footstools. We also use environmentally friendly transport, fully recyclable product packaging, and are very fortunate that our dedicated team of staff are as committed to the caretaking of our planet. Globally, everyone in our company contributes daily towards more thoughtful practices and its all these big and small things we do that make sustainability stick.

For every piece of furniture we make, we always prioritise quality, premium materials. From the finest leather to using the latest technological innovations, every element is considered and carefully selected.

Solveig Gaundal, Manager of Corporate Social Responsibility

Our most recent design project was our dining room chairs, where we conducted lifecycle assessments to really understand the environmental impact of the product from cradle to grave. By considering the environmental impact of disposal, we were able to minimise our footprint by using biodegradable materials and ensuring that every aspect could be easily disassembled for recycling. By thinking about the product lifespan as a whole, it really informed our decision- making in the whole design process and allowed us to make the most ethical choices. All whilst maintaining our signature standard of comfort and design.


We continue to educate ourselves on new materials, manufacturing processes and technologies, first knowing better than doing better. Whilst the task can seem daunting, we recognise that every step we make in the right direction is progress, even a micro step is still moving in the right direction and that is something we can be proud of.
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