
Unity through diversity and inclusion

To learn more about the diverse and inclusive work culture we cultivate, we share some heartwarming stories and impactful initiatives that make Stressless a beacon of unity.
We pride ourselves on fostering an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. With 24 years of experience in the company, Elin Marie Nordstrand shares her insights and experiences, highlighting the importance of diversity in our workforce.

Our Diverse Culture

Boasting a workforce from various nationalities, we are proud of our diverse culture. Elin shares how this diversity enriches the workplace.

Can you give some examples of the nationalities represented within Stressless and share a bit about their background and roles in the company?

– Many of the people I work with are in production roles. I have worked closely with refugees from Syria, but we also have employees from France, the Congo, and many other countries. These individuals have joined us through our collaboration with the refugee service.

Elin's role as a mentor has been crucial in welcoming new employees into the company. She outlines our unique onboarding process that we have designed to support new hires.

What does the onboarding process look like for a new employee in the company?

– Initially, we held meetings with prospective employees to ensure that they genuinely wanted to join us. We provided tours of the facility to help them determine if this was a place they could see themselves working. Once they decided to join, we integrated them into our training program. As a mentor, I visited them daily and was readily available to answer any questions. My role also involved introducing them to Norwegian culture and daily life.

The Role of a Mentor

Elin's mentoring role goes beyond professional guidance, offering personal support to new employees.

What does the mentor role entail, and how does it support the new employee when joining the company?

– We have a significant focus on Norwegian education, as many new employees do not speak the language when they start. Our company require employees to learn Norwegian, so we have developed our own courses tailored specifically for our staff.
This in-house education has been crucial for new employees settling in. My role as a mentor also involves daily check-ins and addressing any questions they have, which can range from understanding local dialects to navigating public transport.

While there are challenges, the rewards of being a mentor are plentiful. Elin shares her experiences.


What are the biggest challenges of being a mentor in the company?

– One potential challenge could involve navigating cultural disparities, especially concerning the perception of women, which can vary across cultures. New employees may need to adapt to our culture and follow our guidelines regarding gender equality.

What is the most rewarding aspect of being a mentor?

– The most rewarding aspect is engaging with the people. I enjoy spending time with them, showing them around, and helping whenever needed. The diverse personalities and backgrounds of the individuals I work with are truly enriching.

Can you tell us about the time the company won the diversity award "Mangfoldsprisen"?

– Yes, it was an exciting period of hard work that focused on hiring new employees. We collaborated with NAV and the refugee office to find suitable individuals for positions within the Stressless® production. This approach worked fantastically, and we succeeded in hiring many people who went on to secure permanent employment. Receiving the award was a wonderful recognition of our efforts and dedication.


Impact on the Local Community and the way forward

The diversity within the company has a positive ripple effect on the local community.

What are some benefits experienced by the local community as a result of this work?

– We need people moving here and bringing their family and children. We have many wonderful stories where new employees have decided to purchase a house, settle down and build a life here.
Elin believes there’s always room for improvement in fostering a more inclusive and engaging environment.

What do you think we, as a company, fellow human beings and colleagues, can all become better at?

– I believe we can all improve in our ability to truly see each other. It’s so important to create an environment where we acknowledge each other, communicate, and connect—even across different departments, especially in a large production setting.

Elin concludes by reflecting on the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Is there anything else that could help us better understand our culture and values?

– Our company has always been good at fostering a diverse yet inclusive workplace culture. We have a long-standing tradition of welcoming employees from all over the world. This diversity is ingrained in our company's ethos, and because of this, we have become adept at collaborating and understanding each other's perspectives.
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