
Set the table for an unforgettable evening

The stylist's best tips for decorating your party table are surprisingly simple.
When you arrive at a table that is elegantly decorated, it automatically sets the expectations for a festive evening. You make mental notes: I want to try this the next time we are entertaining at home. But when the day comes and you try to recreate the mood, it's not always so easy. What is too much, and what is too little? Which colours go together, and which don't? Maybe it's best to try a little bit of everything?
One who has mastered this art to her fingertips is Birgitta Roald. She has been working for nearly 30 years as an interior designer and concept stylist. Seven years ago, she moved back to her home area in Sykkylven, not far from the Ekornes factory. We invited her to decorate the table with us, using some of the furniture in the Stressless® Dining series.

The natural starting point was the Stressless® Bordeaux Large, a table that can be extended from 2.30 to 3.30 meters. Perfect for both cozy everyday meals and large, festive occasions.

Elegant, affordable, and sustainable decoration

Birgitta has a diverse career, including working on cookbooks for both Ingrid Espelid Hovig (Norway's more homey answer to Martha Stewart) and TV chef Wenche Andersen. So what is her very best, short tip for transforming a regular tabletop into an elegant party table?
- After so many years in the industry, I've encountered most decoration products, but I always return to the same basic principle: You can't compete with nature. Look around where you live. Can you gather branches from the local area, such as spruce, pine, or larch? Pick or buy some flowers, and combine these in a zigzag pattern down the table. Vary the height, but don't block the view across the table. That's all it takes!
Sitting comfort: The icing on the cake

A beautiful table sets the mood and makes guests feel welcome. The same goes for sitting comfort. Did you know that the chairs in the Stressless® Dining series have adjustable backs and seats? The active sitting style allows the body to both rest and recuperate, and that is why these chairs have become a favourite in fine restaurants and many homes. In addition, you get them with covers that can easily be changed or washed.

On the day we speak with Birgitta, she is in the midst of her Christmas preparations. We assume that at home, she styles a lavish Christmas table, adorned with all kinds of modern decorations?

- This might surprise many, but I actually like to keep it simple. White and green, a little glitter, and of course my 25 year old paper star. No Christmas without it!
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